

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How does having bad teeth cause heart disease?

Bad teeth or bad oral health is not just about the mouth. Various factors can badly impact your dental hygiene. In addition, your overall health also depends on the condition of your teeth. Heart disease is one of the significant yet common health issues people face due to bad teeth or oral hygiene. 

We do not give much attention to the relationship between bad oral hygiene and heart issues when we talk about heart problems. But in reality, they can be connected in most cases. So, yes, you read that right- heart disease and inadequate oral health are connected.

The primary and only reason that affects your oral health, and your heart, is bacteria and inflammation. People with poor nutritional health tend to have bad teeth, and when not taken care of, oral problems can increase and cause bacteria to attack the healthy tissues in your mouth. 

When you do not perform a proper brushing and flossing routine, you invite bacteria and germs into your mouth, causing plaque to increase. Gradually, the plaque layer builds up and turns into tartar, causing inflammation. 

When the inflammation increases, it releases post-inflammatory germs, which travel in your bloodstream carrying infections and viruses to your heart and other organs. 

Moreover, the bacteria in your bloodstream affects your heart valves, leading to severe stroke if not treated promptly. However, to understand the deeper connection between heart health and bad teeth.

How exactly is your heart health affected by bad teeth or oral health?

If you are concerned about your heart health, taking the necessary steps to improve your oral hygiene is imperative. Below are a few points that will help you understand how oral health affects your heart: 

  • Heart valves: Bad teeth or brushing routines risk your health, mainly your heart valves. The increased germs and bacteria in your mouth can heavily infect and play havoc with the functioning heart valves. 
  • Blockage in the coronary artery: Severe gum diseases like periodontal and bad dental hygiene can cause inflammation and infection in the coronary artery, which affects the proper function of your heart.
  • Inflammation: Not taking care of your oral health can lead to a high amount of inflammation which can be concerning to your heart. In addition, the risk of sudden strokes and vascular problems can also increase.

These are some of the ways your oral health directly impacts your heart. And to take care of the same, you must start a good dental care routine.

Dental care habits to reduce the risk of heart disease

Below are a few dental care tips that you can incorporate into your day-to-day brushing routine to make it more effective:

  • Correctly brush your teeth: Everyone brushes their teeth and thinks they are doing everything right. But brushing your teeth the right way is vital to ensure you keep away germs and infections. It would help if you brushed your teeth with a light circular motion for not more than 2 minutes.
  • Understand your personal oral care needs: Everyone’s dental care needs are different; hence, you can not use the same products others are using. To create a perfect brushing routine, you must identify your problem and buy products. 
  • Don’t forget to rinse your mouth correctly: Once you brush your teeth, it is vital to rinse your mouth properly, so the bacteria don’t have the chance to develop. In addition, when you eat or drink something, ensure that you rinse your mouth to get rid of any food particles between your teeth.

Lastly, you must visit a professional dentist for proper treatment if you feel your oral health is affected.