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Useful Dietary Tips For Children With Braces

You will have to make adjustments to your child’s diet once they get braces. Getting them to eat healthily is the first step. Despite being somewhat limited, they still have a wide variety of food choices that will not hamper the quality of their braces and will provide the required nutrients. 

Well that being said as a parent you still have to put in a little more thought and effort to complete their dietary requirements. The majority of foods can be eaten with a little extra effort and cooking time, whereas others should be avoided entirely.

In this article, we will explore the top dietary suggestions that may ease your child’s adjustment to braces.

Is there any particular food to eat with braces? 

Foods like popcorn kernels, chewing gum, caramels, and candies that are very sticky or chewy should be avoided. It may also be worthwhile to eliminate some of the kid’s favorite foods, such as starbursts, fruit roll-ups, and skittles.

It is vital to avoid such food items because it can be difficult to clean the teeth straightening tool when they get stuck in it. In addition, eating too many sweets that are high in artificial sugar can also cause dental decay, especially in people with braces, resulting in broken elastics of the dental device.

Try introducing softer foods to your kids, such as soup, jello, eggs, applesauce, rice, yogurt, and oatmeal. This will minimize dental pain and pressure on the teeth, ensuring the braces are not damaged making eating easier.

Some dietary tips for children with braces

Making these little changes in your kid’s dietary habits will help them get accustomed to the new routine quickly while keeping the quality of the dental device intact: 

  • Make sure your child does not eat any hard food: This is especially important if your child has braces. Nuts and crackers, for example, should be kept away from them. Your child’s braces can be damaged by these items, and eating with a broken brace is even more difficult. To get them fixed, you may need an unexpected orthodontic appointment. In addition to damaging your child’s braces, hard foods can also be uncomfortable for your child to digest.
  • Take note of their chewing technique: Young children with braces need to chew correctly in addition to eating the right foods. There may be times when it is not possible to avoid eating hard foods due to their hard nature. Your kid might want to eat carrots, apples, and other hard fruits and vegetables. The best way to incorporate them into your child’s diet without causing harm to the teeth is by looking for substitutes or by altering the chewing technique. Make sure your child does not use his front teeth to bite into hard foods.
  • Stainless food is good for your child: Avoiding foods that can stain his or her teeth during orthodontic treatment is another important thing to remember. It is especially important to avoid sugary foods and drinks. It is generally not that bad to eat foods like these, as long as one brushes their teeth afterward. But, this can also become a challenge when you have braces on. Since some teeth are covered by brackets, it is impossible to brush properly. Hence this dietary tip is vital to follow. 
  • Don’t let your child eat too hot or too cold food: Just after the braces are fixed it is necessary to ensure your kid does not eat too hot or too cold to avoid discomfort and bite issues. Because for the first few days, your child may feel soreness in their teeth. And eating soft foods at normal temperatures may help with the same. 

Lastly, it is important to remember that taking proper care of your child’s eating habits will result in healthier teeth. However, before making any changes in your child’s diet you must consult a healthcare provider.